AUTO-PAC is the state political action committee of the Automobile Dealers
Association of Alabama, Inc. Donny Crowe, President of Tuscaloosa
Chevrolet, is Chairman. ADAA President Tom Dart is the Treasurer.
Under Alabama law, dealers and industry friends can make unlimited personal or corporate contributions.
AUTO-PAC makes campaign contributions to candidates for most Alabama
statewide offices, the Alabama Senate and House of Representatives, and the
state appellate courts. Contribution decisions are made by the Board of
Directors of the Automobile Dealers Association of Alabama, Inc.
In the 2018 election cycle, AUTO-PAC contributed nearly $900,000 to state candidates.
Disclaimer: AUTO-PAC is a state political action committee whose purpose is to make contributions to
candidates for state offices and in aid of or opposition to constitutional amendments. Unlimited
corporate or personal funds may be used, but the donation is not tax deductible. A contribution
to AUTO-PAC is purely voluntary and not a condition of membership in the Automobile Dealers Association
of Alabama, Inc. You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.